Computer services, in plain English.

At Technipro, we take seriously the tremendous leap of faith you take when you entrust your business data to a computer service provider. We also understand how frustrating it can be to decipher jargon masquerading as a technology “solution.” Here at Technipro, we aim to keep you from feeling like an end user and nothing more. We promise straightforward strategies with step-by-step explanations that make you part of the solution. Technipro will act as your own IT department - we can handle virtually any computer related task, no matter how big or small. Installations, web domains, firewalls, multi-site networks—whatever it is you need, you can get it all done with a single phone call.


We believe in the same philosophy that you have used to build your business over the years. We know that at the end of the day, all businesses succeed or fail based on their reputation, and at Technipro, our service and customer relationships always come first.



Technipro, Inc • P.O. Box 2545, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 • 2016 © Olivia Gelard